Some Hazelnut and chocolate biscuits that we baked for the day.
Movie bosses loved the building's huge windows and six-tower skyline.
Exterior shots were filmed from a helicopter and the film-makers photographed and measured inside to help shoot indoor scenes at the studio.
There was a Harry Potter room in the house with this signed broomstick by JK Rowling.
Hi Carolyne
I haven't been blogging much recently and here I am visiting your blog and lots of interesting posts to read! Hope you are all having a good summer and not too rainy. Happy birthday to your gran. I hope she enjoyed a really special birthday. This house is magnificant. So many fascinating areas. I like the document room and those tapestries and that table. I also really love the picture of you and the children. What a precious picture. And how tall your biggest boy is!!
Lots of love to you
wow will have to look out for that next time i watch Harry Potter! Can't wait to see the last one. Must get to the cinema!!
Looks like a great day out and how lovely to spend her 80th all together!
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