"look Mommy"
So with the Cake and puddings made the Christmas decorations can go up just in time for December the first!
The advent calendar! Of course there are 4 sweets/chocolates in each pocket.
There is always great excitement when the Christmas decoration box gets opened. "Oh yeah, I remember this!" Then we have everyone grabbing at the decorations and putting them on at the same time with Googs putting his decorations on the same branch and Kiki just balancing them in the middle on the tree.
Nativity scene from a German Christmas market.
Nativity scene that I started to make about 8 years ago and haven't finished. I keep finding the others figures that need to be sewn up throughout the years and believe that I will remember where I put them for the following Christmas and never do. One day I will find them all and finish this scene.
Angels made by Gran
This advent calendar gets brought out every year. I love it. Nowadays it is hard to find calendars without cartoons, snowmen and old father Christmas :o(

This is the first Christmas that we have ever roasted our own sweet chestnuts. We have had them at Christmas markets before but never roasted them ourselves. The kids loved it. They get trickier to peel as they cool down and we has to put the last few back in the oven. Googs decided that he didn't really like them. Champ said that they tasted like cauliflower. I had to disagree with that, I think that they have the same texture but not flavour but each to his own :o) The girls loved them. Boo ate them like a squirrel and I just couldn't peel them fast enough for Kiki.
The children are so excited by this time of year that they are even seeing snowmen in their lunch!
Making Christmas cards.
Boo saw me painting these so decided to paint one of her own.

Wreath made with buttons and wire.
This advent calendar is from Cape Town craft market. Its brilliant! In the gold matchboxes, one for each day of advent, there is a tiny wooden decoration and a mini peg. The children peg each decoration as the month progresses - very cool!
snowman melted. The children said that they don't want father Christmas to see this one as it is really sad to have a melted snowman.
This is the first Christmas that we have ever roasted our own sweet chestnuts. We have had them at Christmas markets before but never roasted them ourselves. The kids loved it. They get trickier to peel as they cool down and we has to put the last few back in the oven. Googs decided that he didn't really like them. Champ said that they tasted like cauliflower. I had to disagree with that, I think that they have the same texture but not flavour but each to his own :o) The girls loved them. Boo ate them like a squirrel and I just couldn't peel them fast enough for Kiki.
And we can't celebrate Christmas without some gingerbread....hmmmm we still have to make a gingerbread house.
Kiki would only use orange and shouted at anyone who went near it and Googs enjoyed swirling the colours.
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