Boo is making a pillow case with her embroidered bird in the centre. I love all the fabrics she chose and can't wait to see this finished!

Kiki loves to play shopping, she put wooden blocks and other toys in nappy bags and lugs them round the house - well until she decided to use the wagon as a shopping trolley.

Googs loves drawing faces, he draws them almost everyday. Here is a picture he drew of me pregnant with all 4 children at once!!!! At least I look happy about it :o)

Champ has decided that he wants to be in charge of the garden. He has recruited his brother and sister to help clear the weeds.

I want him to plan out his patch, decide what to plant and where.

Champ has had a little trouble recently with abstract numbers so we decided to go back to basics and allow them to "feel" the numbers. It was the best thing we did as it seems to have helped him get unstuck.

You just can't beat knitted squirrels, glass beads, beanbags and wax numbers.

The kids are going through a Lego phase.

Googs and I made a a castle.

Kiki joining in. She told me to take this photo of her creation.

Googs loves making towers, he just gets so frustrated when they keep breaking :o)
Champ made this vehicle. The boxes at the top are carrying cargo...
and inside is an army.

The kids wanted to make something for Chinese new year and valentines day. They combined both by making red tea light holders and a red tree.
Waiting for food...again! We celebrated Chinese New Year the only way we know how - a wonderful feast of seaweed, spring rolls, prawn toast and duck pancakes.
And this photo is waiting for a wonderful roast made by Dad a day later.

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