Monday 7 June 2010

my Birthday!

I got breakfast in bed for my birthday and the children gave me the cards they had made. I will have to add pics later of the older three. Kiki's card was a little different to the others as she drew it on her foot!
We had thunder storms in the morning but luckily by lunch the weather brightened. We first went to a tiny local craft fair and then on to another local food festival.
At the food festival, which was much bigger, they had this cute tractor ride.
The children were taken down the hill, a few circles of the lower field...
and then back again :o)

When we entered the tent, there was a guy demonstrating liquid nitrogen and solid carbon dioxide. He did all sorts of experiments including dipping flowers, cupcakes and onions into the liquid nitrogen. He also hammered some bluetac into an orange using a banana. The kids had seen all this on TV but it just didn't compare to seeing it live!
We walked around the farm.
And bought ourselves some ENORMOUS ice creams. The photos are all a little fuzzy as they were taken on Hubby's iphone.
Champ, of course, found the bees :o)
And the new born calves were oh so cute!
VERY smelly though :oP
Later that afternoon we went to my parent's house for a meal.
Here is my birthday cake, raspberry and amaretti biscuits yummy!
The kids can never resist a good dip. The adults didn't even get a look in.
My Mom didn't have the right numbered candles for me so the candles represent 27 + 4, not 247!

I had a lovely day, I don't really think about my birthday as so much else is always happening that week so it was wonderful that everyone made me feel so special x

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