Tuesday 10 August 2010

Rescued pigeons and bug gardens

Champ and Boo found an injured pigeon in the horses field after someone had been shooting birds. They have been playing animal hospital for hours everyday since. They have been researching pigeon behaviour and what they eat.

We have even been to buy wild bird seed :o) They are hoping to get them well so that they can set them free, in their minds, if they take care of the pigeons well enough the pigeons will keep coming back to them once released.
The kids went looking for more birds and found a female pigeon. They now have a male and a female called Harry and Lily, obviously they are hoping for babies :o)
The kids also finally got round to making their bug gardens. They put in the soil and seeds and were just too impatient to wait for flowers before they placed their bugs :o)

ooh not sure why this random baking photo is here, but here it is :o) making parmesan and sundried tomato rolls for lunch

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