Monday, 26 July 2010

Dutch apple pie - tutorial!

This is my very first tutorial and it is for my Great Oma's apple pie. The pastry is easy enough for small kids to make and enough fruit to be guilt free...well almost :o) So here goes...

350g self raising flour
250g softened butter/margarine
175g sugar

Preheat the oven to 175 oC

put flour, softened butter and sugar into a bowl and squish together with your hands. Really squeeze it and let it ooze through your fingers - told you that it was great for kids!
Mix until it looks like this. Take about just over half of the dough and squash it into the pie dish.
Don't make it too thick as you will have a lot of fruit on top so you don't want the dough to go soggy.
Squash until it looks like this.
Usually I use tinned apples which makes this a great standby recipe (you will need 3 tins/cans).
But since I didn't have any tinned fruit in I used 1 and a half bags of fresh apples instead.

Peel and chop them

until you have a nice mound like this. By the way my pie dish is quiet large but you can just remove dough if you feel that you need to.
Sprinkle the apples with cinnamon and brown sugar and mix to coat.
Grab handfuls of juicy blackberries
and plonk
Flour your work surface and squish the rest of the dough into a sort of rectangle the length of your pie dish.
Cut into 6/8 strips.
Don't worry about being perfect, the strips will break but just put them together on the pie.

see, far from beautiful but simply perfect!
cook until brown.
hmmm yummy!


earthboys said...

I'm definitely going to make this, it looks so delicious, thanks for sharing.

Moogie said...

Great! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do :o)