Saturday 29 August 2009

boo's bag

After a few failed attempts at felting we have finally got it right! I think that the problem was that we were being too stingey with the fleece. So we started carding the white fleece and laying it out in a rectangular shape until it was about 4 inches thick (sorry that there are no pics of the stages, we were just too involved!) then Boo, with a little help from Googs and Kiki, placed the coloured fleece over the top. We then got the washing up liquid out, lots of hot water and the bubble wrap and started rubbing it, rolling it and bashing it for around 20 minutes. It was then rinsed and left to dry.

Once the fleece was dried we trimmed it just a little as we wanted to keep that kind of warped shape. Blanket stick round the edge and some fun buttons were added. Oh and the two buttons at the top (big orange and big purple) are the only functional buttons - the others are purely there for decoration.

The handle was knitted and then lightly felted. We decided to add it to the back of the bag because it seemed to fit the best. The only thing left to do now is add a lining as it is still a little bit furry inside :o)

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